Nature Hotel in Nicaragua


Say hello to your own remote paradise within a tiny coastal village in Northern Nicaragua.

You can expect to live amongst the elements of nature, helping you to reconnect to your truest self.

Here, you’ll find yourself unplugging to reconnect each time you visit.


As you know, yoga is not only a physical exercise for the body. It is also a practice for the mind and heart, as well.

We built our 1,800 square foot Yoga Shala with this principle in mind.

Trust us when we say there’s nothing quite like practicing in our open-air Yoga Shala, complete with ocean views, bluetooth speakers, yoga mats, props, cushions….and probably a few dog kisses in Savasana.


Nicaragua is a surfer’s paradise. Simple as that.

This country is blessed with over 300 days per year with offshore winds, magnetizing surfers to the Pacific coastline from near and far. We’ve got you covered with all different sized boards to rent, so can travel here lightly.

All level surfers are welcome in to our warm water, sandy bottom beaches!


We started the Salty Farm in Nicaragua just two years after opening SSE with the intention of one day being able to supply the majority of the food for our clients.

The best part? Taking a farm tour with a cooking class to learn how to not harvest a few of our favorite plants, but also cook them up the local way!